Saturday, May 10, 2008

Sales Goals and Money

Thanks for visiting SOCOM sales. Koka Sexton has combined 15 years of experience in the military and sales to build a solid foundation of sales and execution. Many sales leaders have good groups working for them. So why is it that they miss their targets and seem to struggle?

SOCOM sales is more of a methodology than a company. Teaching sales and marketing people new ways to be highly successful in their trade by becoming masters of executing plans to achieve goals. sales is a process for both the seller and the buyer. We help explain this process and help you determine which prospects are the low hanging fruit to easy revenue as well as ways to take down the whales.

Creative Commons License photo credit: guiguis

I follow rules that create business plans based on a proven method that makes goals and a path to success crystal clear.

This blog will host articles I write about business, sales, marketing and articles that I find on the internet that I find helpful and would like to share. If you like what you see, add me to your RSS reader.

Since sales and marketing should walk hand and hand, this site will have information on both sides. Though I am a sales person by trade, I think I know a few things that can help a marketing group succeed.

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